A pink rhinoceros resembling a strawberry shortcake wearing a chef's outfit

Club Shortcake

A fansite dedicated to Merengue from Animal Crossing

About Club Shortcake

Club Shortcake is a capsule fansite celebrating our favorite digital dessert rhinoceros: Merengue of Animal Crossing!

Why Shortcake? In Animal Crossing, all villagers have a catchphrase. Merengue's default catchphrase is "shortcake" in the English language version of the game. In the Japanese version, her catchphrase is "de shuga, de shuga" !

This project was created for the September 2021 Code Louisville Front End Web Development Course by Xavier Watson.

Meet Merengue

Merengue is a rhino villager that appears in the Nintendo game series Animal Crossing. In international versions of the game, Merengue is known as Pati or Patty.

She is named for the sweet confection meringue, which is whipped egg whites and sugar. True to her name, Merengue resembles a strawberry shortcake. She has horns made of strawberry and meringue, white points, a strawberry tail, and a pink body.

By default, Merengue wears the Chef's Outfit, which reflects her love of food!

A Closer Look

sitting pink rhinoceros drinks a cup of tea

Personality: Normal
Species: Rhino
Birthday: March 19
Skill: Doodling
Goal: Pastry Chef
Favorite Song: K.K. Ballad
Default Clothing: Chef's Outfit

Café Merengue

Click for a Cake Break

Merengue has served you

slices of cake this visit.

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